50 严燕松(阿裕尼集选区议员)询问交通部长:
在 2024 年 12 月 29 日的事件中,该航空公司的机组人员未注意到3名乘客在登机桥等候,并错误地向地勤代理(GHA)表示登机桥已没有乘客。在锁上机舱门前,地勤代理职员并没有按标准流程彻底检查整段登机桥即锁门,导致乘客无法进入机场大厦。
由于其中一名乘客需要轮椅帮助,一名为行动不便者提供服务的工作人员陪同了此名乘客。她给各方打了电话,要求打开登机桥的门锁,但她没有拨打樟宜机场集团(CAG)的紧急热线,而在这种情况下,拨打紧急热线是正确的。因此,解锁工作出现延误,受影响的乘客在登机桥停留了约 16 分钟后才通知樟宜机场集团,登机桥的门才被打开。
Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song asked the Minister for Transport (a) how many incidents of passengers being left on aerobridges or locked out of arrival gates at Changi Airport have occurred in the past five years; (b) whether ground handling agents are required to report such incidents and what penalties apply for lapses; (c) how does the Ministry regulate adherence to protocols to assist vulnerable passengers during disembarkation; and (d) whether the Ministry requires measures to be implemented to ensure seamless coordination and prevent similar oversights in the future.
Mr Chee Hong Tat: Based on past records, the recent incident on 29 December 2024 is the first at Changi Airport where arriving passengers were left on an aerobridge upon disembarkation and the arrival gate was locked before they left the aerobridge.
In line with international industry practices, it is the responsibility of airlines, assisted by their appointed ground handling agents (GHAs), to ensure that all passengers safely disembark from the aircraft and exit the aerobridge, before the aerobridge door leading to the terminal is locked.
In the 29 December 2024 incident, the airline's crew did not see the three affected passengers when they were waiting at the aerobridge after disembarkation and had mistakenly indicated to the GHA that the aerobridge was clear of passengers. The GHA staff did not conduct a thorough check along the entire section of the aerobridge before locking the door, which should have been done as part of the standard operating procedure.
A staff from the GHA's service provider for persons with reduced mobility had accompanied the affected passengers, as one of them required wheelchair assistance. She made phone calls to various parties to unlock the aerobridge door, but she did not call Changi Airport Group's (CAG's) emergency hotline, which is the right number to call in such situations. There was, therefore, a delay in unlocking the door and the affected passengers remained at the aerobridge for around 16 minutes before CAG was alerted and the door was unlocked.
The airline has apologised to the affected passengers and provided them with compensation for the incident. The airline has also worked with its GHA to remind the airline's crew and ground staff to improve on their coordination. The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and CAG have shared the learning points from this incident with other airlines and GHA staff to avoid future recurrence.