编者按:近日,中国人民大学重阳金融研究院院长王文、香港大学当代中国与世界研究中心创始主任李成受邀做客CGTN《论见中国》(Talking China)栏目进行对话。英籍资深时政编辑John Goodrich、CGTN社交媒体专家李菁菁担任对话主持人。现将第一期节目对话中英文视频及内容发布如下。(全文中英文约7800字,预计阅读时间15分钟。)
John Goodrich:大家好,欢迎来到《论见中国》。在本节目中,我们将与那些具有独特视角和深厚学识的人士对话,共同探讨当今中国的重要议题。两会期间,经济议题一直是核心焦点,涵盖了GDP目标、就业问题,以及人工智能在未来几年推动经济发展的方式等各个方面。
John Goodrich:谢谢。王教授,我能问您一个问题吗?您提到了外部因素。去年中国经济的增长在很大程度上得益于强劲的出口水平。那么,这些外部因素会在未来一年影响经济增长吗?
John Goodrich:Hello and welcome to Talking China, the show where we talk to people with unique perspectives and in-depth knowledge about the matters that are important to China today.At the Two Sessions, the economy has been center stage, from GDP targets and employment to the way that AI can boost the economy in the years to come.Today we’re going to talking to Professor Wang Wen from the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China, and Professor Li Cheng, the founding director of the Contemporary China and the World Center at Hong Kong University.And CGTN’s very own Li Jingjing, reporter and social media star, who's been at the Two Sessions this week. Let’s move on to topic one in our debate with the two professors.Topic one is: Are China's growth targets realistic? The government work report left no doubt that China is determined to maintain strong growth over the coming year with a GDP target of around 5%, a 2% inflation target, and a goal to create 12 million new urban jobs.However, there are questions from outside China about China’s capacity to continue growing its economy at such a strong rate. For example, The Economist says China meets its official growth target, but not everyone is convinced that it's reflecting on last year’s economic growth. How ambitious are China’s growth targets for 2025?Li Cheng:Yeah, absolutely. First, let’s look at last year. The growth rate was actually higher than other top economies, namely the United States, Japan, and Germany.China’s 5 percent was very impressive.But more importantly, if we look at the past couple of decades or even longer, I think experts, both domestic and foreign, usually tend to underestimate rather than overestimate China's annual growth rate.Now, this is also related to the recent move.Sometimes, the Chinese government, it’s not their interest or China’s interest to have a very high growth rate.That period is over because of the structural changes, but it's also intentional because the Chinese government is more interested in sustainable growth and the balance act between economic growth and environmental protection or green development.I compare with last year and this year.I think the Two Sessions, China is much better shaped, is in a very good mood compared with last year.Because last year, there were some Western narratives talking about China having passed the peak, all these Chinese economic problems, and all these negative things.But some scholars still maintained, the small number, maintained confidence about China.So now, they are right.Their prediction is more on the right side rather than the other way.So, I think that, also, more importantly, some of the basic things in China emphasize the E-economy, new energy, and the soft infrastructure—meaning social welfare, retirement, and this kind of investment.Also, innovation is extremely important.Just give you one example.There are so many cities since I moved to Hong Kong from the US a couple of years ago, I’ve visited a lot of cities, like Chengdu, Hefei, and even Guizhou.There are so many cities similar to Silicon Valley, not just Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Beijing.That’s a very important phenomenon.For example, my glass, the one I just got from Zhuhai, it’s a 3D printing.I just went to the store, and they said, ‘I will produce it for you,’ and a couple of hours later, I got the 3D printing for me.That tells you that is widely spread.I recall that when I was in Washington, D.C., or in New York, I never saw such a store.This tells you that innovation is really widely spread, and the Chinese government’s emphasis on technology, particularly in the wake of DeepSeek, can really change the public opinion.And confidence is on the rise.Wang Wen:Well, as we all know, the government work report of the two sessions in 2025 has said China GDP grooves target for this year around 5%, which is already the third consecutive year that the GDP grooves target has been set at around 5%.It should be said that this goal is quite challenging.This is one of the highest growth targets among major economies worldwide, far higher than the United States, other G7 countries, and the vast majority of emerging economies.China’s proposal of a 5% GDP growth target is a huge contribution to the world.Over the past decades, we all know China’s contribution to global economic growth has consistently remained around 30%.If China’s GDP can still grow by about 5% this year, it will mean that China’s contribution to the world economic growth will exceed 35% or even higher, 40%.To achieve this goal, China is certainly facing a lot of pressure, but I think these pressures can be overcome.The intensity of China’s economic stimulus policies this year is also unprecedented.As we all know, this is very important data: China has raised its fiscal deficit ratio to 4% for the first time, instead of previous 3%.At the same time, China has also adopted many pragmatic policies to stimulate consumption.So, that means, on the one hand, fiscal investment creates more supply, and on the other hand, stimulating consumption increases demand.So both ends of the economic growth are working together, and that’s why I believe that China’s economic growth target of around 5% can be achieved by 2025.It must be said that the current pressure on China’s economic growth mainly comes from external factors.Maybe Professor Li will mention it. Cause the United States launching a trade war and technology war against China will definitely create pressure.But China, I think, has confidence and experience to resolve this pressure.Yeah, that’s my opinion.John Goodrich:Thank you. Professor Wang, could I just ask you one quick question?You mentioned external forces. A lot of China’s economic growth last year was boosted by strong levels of exports. Are those external forces going to affect that in the year ahead?Wang Wen:Because we all know that in the past one month, President Trump launched a trade war again and added a tariff rate of 10% twice.So I think it gave much huge pressure to China’s foreign trade.But even that, as Professor Li Cheng right now mentioned that, now domestically China’s innovation development is moving very quickly, and domestic consumption can create more and more demand and support the sustainable economic growth.I think it’s also reflecting the recovering social confidence.